Alexandra dos Santos (Alexis)'s profile

Consumir Local - Social design iniciative

Consumir Local is a community design project that advocates the development of actions of social scope. Promoting local taste valorization. It explores how design can help the community to develop a stronger relationship with proximity agrifood consumer spaces, especially between younger audiences.

For the development of the proposals included in Consumir Local project, the various stakeholders related with Silves Municipal Market were heard through interviews, conversations and meetings. This dialogue and the maintenance of an active relation with the location and its players was crucial for the plan development. The research reveals an aged market in audience and traders, with issues with the current consumer practices.
[1]          Mercado Fora d’Horas in Portuguese means in a literal translation After hour Market, but it can stands for more than that, something out of its normal schedule or routine.

Ficha técnica
Conceção Gráfica: Alexandra Santos
Cliente: Projecto Consumir Local + Junta de Freguesia de Silves 
Projeto: Imagem Gráfica Mercado Fora D'Horas 2017
Coordenação de projeto: Alexandra Santos
Projecto Gráfico: Alexandra Santos
Fotos: Susana Martins, Andreia Pintassilgo, Vitor Pina, Le Ricou, Luís Inácio, Barbara Pintar

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Designed by Alexandra dos Santos
© All rights reserved
Consumir Local - Social design iniciative

Consumir Local - Social design iniciative
